Friday, December 24, 2010

Hot Country 106.5 + Charlie & Fredrik!

I know I should have my computer off at this point, be sleeping and preparing for a big day tomorrow (today, it is1:39 AM) but I was compelled to check my e-mail one last time before going to bed. What I found was a message from Josh Mackey at Hot Country 106.5 in Ogallala, Nebraska. Josh is the Music Director & News Director, and host of a talk show called Mid-west Opinions.

And, as the result of persistent work & luck would have it, Josh mentioned that they will have a chance to air Springtime in Nebraska on their station, and that he would like to do an interview next week to promote the song/album, and get to know me a little & what's behind the song.

Sounds like fun to me, and a nice early Christmas present!

While I am at it, back to Twang!

Last post, I mentioned that I would like to talk about Charlie & Fredrik. These guys are AMAZING! What a story of simply deciding & getting things done! Here are a couple of young guys who were "stage hands" at the Carlshamn Country Festival a couple of years ago when the band and I were performing as the headliner act. Charlie contacted me this past fall to say hello...and after asking a little about their music, they explained that they played a little acoustically together and that they wanted to make a record. Then came the very common,"..but we are students and don't have any money" line. For those of you know me well enough, you'll know that I can't simply accept such an answer when it comes to matters of the heart. And music is a matter of the heart. So, with more questions it became apparent that not having the money had nothing to do with was more a matter of discovering how to make the money?

So, they put their creative heads together and started planning, deciding, and crystallizing what they wanted first, before thinking about all the reasons they could have it. I supported them in the early stages of what we can call the "innovation process" or "creative process" (I'll expand on some ideas here in later posts). And these guys caught on real fast - not like some of us older folk, less pliable folk, who like to examine all the merits of things & talk about why they won't work before we actually try them ;--). They did some quick work here, and discovered that it was not a matter of money, after all. But more a matter of actions that would lead them to their dreams.

This was on Thursday, November 4. Their first major target is to raise 12 000SEK for a simple album recording. Now 49/50 days later, they have raised over 10 000SEK by just getting out there and making things happen. Playing on the street, playing in shopping malls, playing at grocer stores, contacting newspapers, radio stations, starting a blog and such to create their own little "buzz factor".

I have 3 words to describe how I feel about this: Inspired! Wow! and Twang!

If you want to support these two young guys to get them over the top, go to their blog and share your comments & support!

When I got the news of their latest figures in an e-mail seconds after my news from Nebraska, I thought...hmmm...imagine the possibilities for 2011!

Once again, Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. To be qualified as "Twang" is something that means a lot to us!
    Thanks for all your help and your support! let's take 2011 by storm!


    / Charlie & Fredrik


Your comments & responses welcome!