Friday, March 25, 2011

Movin' on!

Howdy fellow twangers!

Well, one could say that the Canadian radio promotion produced a "less than desirable" result, whilst simultaneously it was a good perspective generator and learning experience. I love to learn! Basically fewer radio stations than hoped for added Still Crazy, leaving the investment not delivering the ROI in terms of exposure and artist awareness than was the intent. Oh well, we all take our hits (pardon the pun!).

Good news in the balance, well over 100 stations in Europe & Australia have been play-listing the music. A big, big favorite on this side of the Atlantic has been "Waitin' for My Train", which is a sure-fire traditional stomp-your-feet-kick-up-some-dust kind of guitar & pedal steel party of a song. I am thankful for these stations & their wide open and positive reception to the music!

The big question these days is "where & what next?" to get to the next level in creating exposure for what I feel is a rather strong record (but, hey that's only my opinion & the numerous journalists that have reviewed & confirmed that) and increasing sales.

For now - the focus will be on live performance. In this day and age of the music industry, us "low on the totem pole", self-driven, self-financed artists are best rewarded in record and merchandise sales at live shows. So, it's time to take advantage of the spring and summer longing for cold beer & good music. This means that Every ounce of available time will be focused on generating new bookings, and rehearsing & re-arranging up coming live shows.

Here is a run down of the schedule to this point:

Date Title Venue City
31.03.2011 Internationell Författarscen Stadsbiblioteket Malmö Malmö, SE
02.04.2011 Mitt-West Mitt West Country Club Ikast, DK
05.04.2011 Aalborg Country Club Huset i Aalborg Aalborg, DK
06.05.2011  Summer Season Kick-off Meyers Ranch Vejle, DK
11.05.2011 ABF/Riffet Kulturhuset, Trelleborg Trelleborg, SE
17.06.2011  Headliner Festival Performance High Chaparral Festival Hillerstorp, SE
13.08.2011 Festival Performance Killhults Country Festival Laholm, SE
13.08.2011 Headliner Festival Performance Killhults Country Festival Laholm, SE
26.08.2011 Still Crazy in Dalarna Dössbergets Värdshus BJURSÅS, SE

As you can see, a couple of fun festival performances on the agenda. At High Chaparral June 17-19, I'm honored to play on the same stage as a number of super cool Swedish acts like Ulf "Masken" Andersson & the Wild Bunch, Buford Pope and others along with a fellow Canadian artist that folks in Sweden are not so familiar with, but who has generated 5 albums and a good run of success since the late 90's, Julian Austin. He'll put on a rough & tumble, authentic country performance using a band consisting of Nordic members.

And while we're on the topic of true many thanks for the very enthusiastic response from Jonas Ericson and Svenskyrkan, Bjursås ( ) to have the band and I make the trip up north for a show. Jonas, you got the Twang!  As big a fan of Country, Roots & Americana as there is, and it feels great that we can come up and deliver some of that for the folks in Dalarna in late August. We have a little surprise in order for the folks of Dalarna that we'll keep that under our hats until showtime. Focus is now set on securing an additional show that weekend so that the 18-20 hours drive time is maximized well!

For now - that's where things are at. I am re-inspired and feel the twang in my finger tips surging! I had better get them punching the keys of the computer keyboard & telephone to book more shows!

